Saturday, June 13, 2009

Trip to Saharna Monastery by ship.

A girl looking to the river, was morning time, this is our ship, by which we had to go to excursion. I had a lot of emotions of astonishment and amazing feelings... It was my first time going by such ship. So I had imagined a lot of different things to be seen...

So this the middle of our trip, on the both banks of the River you can see a lot of churches and small villages, and I was wandering why churches are on the bank, but I think it was built in such way because it has to be close to nature, to God! And you cannot imagine how wonderful they look from the riverside.

This another Church on the bank, the old one.

This is one of the houses of our rich people, as you see it is very closed to the riverside, even the garage is almost under the water, can you imagine what will happen if the river level will go high, and everything will drown under the river water. When people do something like this just to provoke the envy or impressions on other people, is not worth all these expenditures, because the nature is so cruel sometimes with us and punish us for our pride... But honestly we are so small and weak against the Power of Mother Nature. So we need to think before to do something...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Turkish Baths (Sauna) :-)

Here I have visited the Turkish Baths, they are about 700 years old, since the Ottoman Empire had been on our territory, when I got there I imagine the big city with walls as it shown in Old Movies about Rome. Like all the nobles are coming to these sauna, and you know I understood that is not so much difference between that ages and the present days. The same is happening now too, all the music, girls dancing and so on... But the other feature of this baths, is amazing how the technology of construction was so modern and based on the principle laws of science. the material is so strong, that it looks almost the same as 700 years ago, this is the most amazing thing, what I saw, because the construction what is made now won't be so long life, and our predecessors won' t find any tracks of the ruins, because the materials and the work is not so qualitative. So when I looked on these ruins, I asked myself why the constructors from today don't want to take example and experience from their ancestors!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The old scriptures

Here is another view of the Raut river, how it makes a circle, and it seem like you are in the middle of ancient fortress or antique Amphitheater.

These old scriptures were written in 14th century, it was written in Old Slavic letters, all religious scriptures were written in Slavic language. When I got there I was playing a role game, as we are Scientist who had discovered new scriptures from that period of time. Also you can see there small rooms and halls.

This is another view of the halls and small rooms, probably here they could have some meetings or prayer times. These caves were created by humans not by nature, is very good place to protect yourself of rain, wind and other natural hazards...

Bridge across the raut, the end o Orhei Amphitheater, you can see the view of Rock cave monasteries. When I look on it I feel that something is missing in my life...

A walk to Rock Monastery

Well this is another view of the same Church and Rock monastery. When you look on it you think that is not so high, as it seems, and that is nothing dangerous in climbing it, but you are wrong, because some of the passes look very attractive, but when you start climbing it, you feel that the rocks and land is coming out under your feet, and your legs start shivering and you feel the adrenalin coming to your blood. Is an unforgettable impression. I remember one day, when I was 10 years old, we were climbing with my parents on of those hills, and I was so scared that I took my mom to a wrong way, so now when I have grown up and tried to climb this hill again, I still had some confused feelings about it. You have try it too.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Trip to Orhei Vechi

So hello my dear reader,
Here I am to tell you about my trip to a very old and beautiful place in my country Moldova. Orhei Vechi is translated as Old Orhei. There were created first rock monasteries. The first monks they had done to protect theisef from enemies and just from other people.The picture above shows the view of river Raut and the Church on top of the rock. When you look down, you feel like you are standing on the higest place, but if you stay and look up, you don't feel any more the same feeling, you might see just some small narrow river with dirty and nasty smell of swamp.